Classes & Workshops
This Day in History – December 10, 2011

1520 – Martin Luther burns his copy of the papal bull Exsurge Domine outside Wittenberg’s Elster Gate. 1541 – Thomas Culpeper and Francis Dereham are executed for having affairs with Catherine Howard, Queen of England and wife of Henry VIII. 1672 – New York Governor Lovelace announces monthly mail service between New York & Boston 1684 – Isaac Newton’s derivation of Kepler’s laws from his theory of gravity, contained in the paper De motu corporum in gyrum, is read to the Royal Society by Edmund Halley. 1799 – Metric system established in France 1817 – Mississippi admitted as 20th state 1864 – General Sherman’s armies reach Savannah & 12 day siege begins 1901 – The first Nobel Prizes are awarded. 1903 – Nobel for physics awarded to Pierre/Marie Curie 1906 – 1st American awarded Nobel Peace Prize – President Theodore Roosevelt 1907 – Ruyard Kipling receives Nobel prize for literature 1915 – 10,000,000th model T Ford assembled 1920 – President Woodrow Wilson receives Nobel Peace Prize 1922 – Nobel awarded to Fridtjof Nansen, Niels Bohr & Albert Einstein 1925 – George Bernard Shaw awarded Nobel 1926 – 2nd part of Hitler’s Mein Kampf published 1927 – The phrase “Grand Ole Opry” is used for the first time on-air. 1931 – Jane Addams (1st US woman) named co-recipient of Nobel Peace Prize 1950 – 1st black American awarded Nobel Peace Prize – Ralph J Bunche 1954 – Albert Schweitzer receives Nobel Peace Prize 1955 – The Mighty Mouse Playhouse premieres on television. 1964 – Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Dr Martin Luther King Jr 1965 – The Grateful Dead’s first concert performance under this new name. 1971 – William H Rehnquist confirmed as Supreme Court justice 1984 – 1st “planet” outside our solar system discovered 1985 – Bill to balance the federal budget passed by Congress 1986 – Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel accepts 1986 Nobel Peace Prize 1987 – “Nightline” is seen in the USSR for 1st time 1994 – Nobel prize awarded to Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres & Yasser Arafat]]]]> ]]>
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