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Just Plain Fun

This Day in History – July 16, 2011




622 Origin of the Islamic Era (Muharram 1, 1 AH) 1439 Kissing is banned in England 1775 John Adams graduates Harvard 1790 Congress establishes District of Columbia 1798 US Public Health Service established & US Marine Hospital authorized 1845 NY Yacht Club holds its 1st regatta 1862 David G Farragut became 1st rear admiral in US Navy 1904 Islands of the Manu’a group (Samoa) ceded to US by their chiefs 1912 Naval torpedo launched from an airplane patented by B.A. Fiske 1920 Gen Amos Fries appointed 1st US army chemical warfare chief 1920 Ruth sets season home run record with 30 en route to 54 1926 National Geographic takes 1st natural-color undersea photos 1935 1st automatic parking meter in US installed, Oklahoma City, Ok 1936 1st x-ray photo of arterial circulation, Rochester, NY 1945 1st atomic bomb detonated, Trinity Site, Alamogordo, New Mexico 1946 Attempt made to recall Mayor Lapham (1st time in SF history) 1951 Novel “Catcher in the Rye” by JD Salinger published 1956 Detroit Tigers & Briggs Stadium sold for then record $5.5 million 1956 Last Ringling Bros, Barnum & Bailey Circus under a canvas tent 1957 Marine Maj John Glenn sets transcontinental speed record (03:28:08) 1960 205,000 (record sports attend) see Brazil-Uruguay World Cup soccer 1969 Apollo 11, carrying 1st men to land on the Moon, launched 1973 During Watergate hearings, Butterfield reveals existence of tapes 1980 Ronald Reagan nominated for Pres by Republicans in Detroit 1981 Shukuni Sasaki spins 72 plates simultaneously 1982 NASA launches Landsat 4 to thematic map the Earth 1988 Carl Lewis runs a wind-assisted 100 m in 9.78 sec 1988 Florence Joyner runs 100 m in women’s world record 10.49 seconds 1988 Jackie Joyner-Kersee sets women’s hepathlete record of 7,215 pts 1990 NYC’s Empire State Building catches fire-No fatalities 1994 Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collides with Jupiter. Impacts continue until July 22. 1999 John F. Kennedy, Jr., piloting a Piper Saratoga aircraft, dies when his plane crashes into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard. His wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and sister-in-law Lauren Bessette are also killed. 2004 Millennium Park, considered Chicago’s first and most ambitious early 21st century architectural project, is opened to the public by Mayor Richard M. Daley. 2007 2007 Chūetsu offshore earthquake: an earthquake of magnitude 6.8 and 6.6 aftershock occurs off the Niigata coast of Japan killing 8 people, injuring at least 800 and damaging a nuclear power plant.]]]]> ]]>

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