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Just Plain Fun

This Day in History – July 24, 2011




1651 Anthony Johnson, a free black, receives grant of 250 acres in Virginia 1673 Edmund Halley enters Queen’s College, Oxford, as an undergraduate 1683 1st settlers from Germany to US, leave aboard the Concord 1701 French make 1st landing at site of Detroit 1758 George Washington admitted to Virginia House of Burgess 1824 Harrisburg Pennsylvanian newspaper publishes results of 1st public opinion poll. (Clear lead for Andrew Jackson) 1847 Brigham Young & his Mormon followers arrive at Salt Lake City, UT 1847 Rotary-type printing press patented by Richard March Hoe, NYC 1866 Tennessee becomes 1st Confederate state readmitted to Union 1870 1st trans-US rail service begins 1925 Scopes guilty of teaching evolution in a Tennessee high school, fined $100 & costs 1959 VP Nixon argued with Khrushchev, known as “Kitchen Debate” 1961 Beginning of a trend, a US commercial plane is hijacked to Cuba 1965 Bob Dylan release “Like a Rolling Stone” 1967 Beatles sign a petition in The Times to legalize marijuana 1969 Apollo 11 returns to Earth 1969 Muhammad Ali is convicted for refusing induction in US Army on appeal 1974 Supreme Court unanimously rules Nixon must turn over Watergate tapes 1975 Apollo 18 returns to Earth 1978 “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” premeirs in NYC 1983 Pine Tar Game, Brett’s HR disallowed against Yanks (overturned)]]]]> ]]>

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