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Just Plain Fun

This Day in History – June 21, 2011




1633 Galileo Galilei is forced by Inquisition to “abjure, curse, & detest” his Copernican heliocentric views 1684 MA Bay Colony’s charter revoked 1768 1st US bachelor of medicine degree (Dr John Archer) 1788 US Constitution goes into effect as NH is 9th to ratify 1805 Great Stoneface Mt found in NH 1821 African Methodist Episcopal Zion (AMEZ) Church organizes (NYC) 1834 Cyrus Hall McCormick patents reaping machine 1879 F W Woolworth opens 1st store (failed almost immediately) 1887 Britain celebrates golden jubilee of Queen Victoria 1893 1st Ferris wheel premieres (Chicago’s Columbian Exposition) 1913 Tiny Broadwick becomes 1st woman to parachute from an airplane 1917 Hawaiian Red Cross founded 1933 1st Great Lakes-to-Gulf of Mexico barge trip completed, New Orleans 1939 Doctors reveal Lou Gehrig has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1948 1st stored computer program run, on Manchester Mark I 1963 Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) succeeds John XXIII 1964 3 civil rights workers-Michael H Schwerner, Andrew Goodman & James E Chaney-disappeared after release from a Mississippi jail 1969 1st reported hearing of pirate radio WGHP (With God’s Help Peace) 1982 Washington DC jury finds John Hinckley Jr innocent by insanity 1989 Supreme Court rules ok to burn US flag as a political expression 1990 NYC’s Zodiac killer shoots 4th victim, Larry Parham 1990 US House of Reps vote 254-177 to stop US flag burning, doesn’t pass 1990 At Yankee Stadium rally, Nelson Mandela dons a NY Yankee baseball cap & proclaims “I am a Yankee!”]]]]> ]]>

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