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Just Plain Fun

This Day in History – June 30, 2011




1607 Annales Ecclesiastici (Scientific History of Catholicism) published 1834 Congress creates Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) 1859 Charles Blondin is 1st to cross Niagara Falls on a tightrope 1862 Day 6 of the 7 Days-Battle of White Oak Swamp 1870 Ada Kepley becomes 1st female law college graduate 1893 Excelsior diamond (blue-white 995 carats) discovered 1894 Korea declares independence from China, asks for Japanese aid 1906 Pure Food & Drug Act & Meat Inspection Act adopted 1908 Giant fireball impacts in Central Siberia (Tunguska Event) 1914 Mahatma Gandhi’s 1st arrest, campaigning for Indian rights in S Africa 1928 Radio Service Bulletin lists radio stations call signs that are to be changed to conform with international standards 1934 NFL’s Portsmouth Spartans become Detroit Lions 1936 “Gone With the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell, published 1936 40 hour work week law approved (federal) 1940 US Fish & Wildlife Service established 1942 US Mint in New Orleans ceases operation 1948 Transistor as a substitute for Radio tubes announced (Bell Labs) 1950 Pres Truman orders US troops into Korea 1951 NAACP begins attack on school segregation & discrimination 1952 “The Guiding Light” soap opera moves from radio to TV 1956 United DC-7 & TWA collide over Grand Canyon killing 128 1959 During a game in Wrigley Field, 2 balls were in play at same time 1965 NFL grants Atlanta Falcons a franchise 1972 1st leap second day; also 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985 1973 Observers aboard Concorde jet observe 72-min solar eclipse 1975 Bundy victim Shelley Robertson disappears in Colorado 1975 Cher, just 4 days after divorcing Sonny Bono marries Gregg Allman 1982 Federal Equal Rights Amendment fails 3 states short of ratification 1984 Longest pro football game, LA Express beats Michigan Panthers 27-21 in USFL playoffs, games lasts 93 minutes 33 seconds 1985 39 remaining hostages from Flight 847 are freed in Beirut 1986 Georgia sodomy law upheld by Supreme Court (5-4) 1988 Brooklyn dedicates a bus depot honoring Jackie Gleason 1989 Congressman Lukins found guilty of having sex with a 16 year old girl 1989 NY State Legislature passes Staten Island secession bill]]]]> ]]>

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