Just Plain Fun
This Day in History – May 13, 2011

0609 Pope Boniface I turns Pantheon into Catholic church 1607 English colonists (John Smith) land near James River in Virginia 1828 US passes Tariff of Abominations 1835 1st foreign embassy in Hawaii is established 1846 US declares war on México, 2 months after fighting begins 1913 1st 4 engine aircraft built & flown (Igor Sikorsky-Russia) 1916 1st observance of Indian (Native American) Day 1917 1st appearance of Mary to 3 shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal 1918 1st US airmail stamps issued (24¢) 1930 Farmer killed by hail in Lubbock TX; this is the only known fatality due to hail 1934 Great dustbowl storm 1940 Churchill says I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears & sweat 1942 Helicopter makes its 1st cross-country flight 1950 Diner’s Club issues its 1st credit cards 1955 Mickey Mantle hits 3 consecutive homeruns of at least 463′ 1958 Rioters attack US Vice President Nixon in Venezuala 1960 1st launch of Delta satellite launching vehicle; it failed 1966 Federal education funding is denied to 12 school districts in the South because of violations of the 1964 Civil Rights Act 1966 Rolling Stones release “Paint it Black” 1967 New York Yankee Mickey Mantle hits career homerun #500 off Stu Miller 1967 Octagonal boxing ring is tested to avoid corner injuries 1970 Beatles movie “Let it Be” premieres 1981 Pope John Paul II shot, wounded by assailant in St Peter’s Square 1992 3 astronauts simultaneous walked in space for the 1st time 1992 Final episode of “Night Court” airs on NBC-TV]]]]> ]]>
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