This year’s Mardi Gras King and Queen have been announced
The 20th annual Mardi Gras King and Queen have been announced. Walter Osborne has been named as this year’s Mardi Gras King and Kelle Barfield has been named as this year’s Queen.
“We are honored to announce our Mardi Gras King this year to be Walter Osborne and Mardi Gras Queen is Kelle Barfield. Walter Osborne, City Clerk for the City of Vicksburg, served for over 10 years as the ex-officio Board Member on the Main Street Board of Directors. He has been an instrumental advocate and volunteer for downtown Vicksburg. Walter has put his heart and soul in the success of the Vicksburg Main Street Program and economic development of downtown Vicksburg, we can not thank Walter enough for all his hard work and hundreds of volunteer hours that he has put in Main Street. Our Queen, Kelle Barfield, Warren County Supervisor of District 5, is not only the owner of several buildings downtown but also another one of our advocates for the success of downtown Vicksburg. Her distinguished leadership and drive for success has brought events such as Second Saturday to downtown. She continues to revitalize numerous buildings on Washington Street and advocate for small businesses,” stated Kim Hopkins, Vicksburg Main Street Program Executive Director.
The 20th annual Mardi Gras parade will take place on Feb. 26 and feature eccentric masks, flamboyant costumes, stars, floats and, of course, beads.
Barkus Krewe will lead the way starting at 3:30 p.m. the parade procession will hit the route at 4 p.m. The parade route will begin at Belmont and Washington Street travel North on Washington Street and end at Jackson and Washington Street intersection. For more information, contact the Vicksburg Main Street Program at 601-634-4527, email, or visit
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