Three Arrested For Residential Burglary
Luther Thigpen, 18, of 2521 Oak Street in Vicksburg, Ronald Green, 20, who also reportedly resides at 2521 Oak Street and 18-year-old Brent Shelby of 1990 Royal Street in Vicksburg. Investigators from the VPD’s Criminal Investigations Division are also working an unrelated case reported at 5:43 pm last night. Sergeant Sandra Williams reports that an unknown person (or persons) busted out the window of the Faith Christian Church van, which was parked at the church located at 1100 Main Street. The suspect(s) stole the radio from the 1994 Dodge Ram van. If you have any information related to this case, or any other, you are asked to contact the Vicksburg Police Department at 601-636-2511.]]]]> ]]>
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