Today's Birthdays – August 26, 2011
Celebrity Birthdays 1743 Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier Paris, father of modern chemistry (Oxygen) 1850 Charles Richet French physiologist (anaphylaxis-Nobel 1913) 1873 Lee De Forest Council Bluffs, inventor (Audion vacuum (radio) tube) 1906 Dr Albert B Sabin polio vaccine discoverer 1910 Mother Teresa Macedonian-born Indian missionary; Nobel Peace Prize recipient (d. 1997) 1915 Jim Davis Edgerton Mo, actor (Jack Ewing-Dallas) 1917 Jan Clayton Tularosa NM, actress (Ellen Miller-Lassie) 1932 Joe H Engle Abilene Ks, Brig Gen USAF/astro (STS T-2, T-4, 2, 51I) 1934 Tom Heinsohn American basketball player and commentator 1935 Geraldine Ferraro (Rep-D-NY) 1st female major-party VP candidate 1940 Don LaFontaine American voice actor (d. 2008) 1942 John E Blaha San Antonio, Col USAF/astronaut (STS 29, 33, STS 43) 1945 Tom Ridge first United States Secretary of Homeland Security 1946 Valerie Simpson American singer 1957 Alex Trevino catcher (LA Dodgers) 1959 Stan Van Gundy American basketball coach 1960 Branford Marsalis actor (Bring on the Night) 1965 Bobby Duncum Jr. American wrestler (d. 2000) 1965 Chris Burke actor with down syndrome (Life Goes On) 1981 Macauley Culkin actor (Home Alone, My Girl) 1985 Brandon McDonald American football player 1989 James Harden American basketball player 1991 Dylan O’Brien American actor 1993 Keke Palmer American actress]]]]> ]]>
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