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Two Vicksburg firefighters honored for service to community



Battalion Chief Henry Williams

Two Vicksburg firefighters were honored during Monday’s Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting and recognized for their service to the community.

Battalion Chief Henry Williams was recognized as employee of the second quarter, having dedicated 44 years of service.

“Chief Henry Williams is our senior member of our organization. He’s been with us for 44 years,” stated Vicksburg Fire Chief Craig Danczyk. “We are blessed to have Chief Williams on our staff. I think he’s very deserving of this award.”

“I appreciate the City for recognizing me, I appreciate Chief Danczyk for nominating me, I appreciate the committee that selected me, so it’s an honor,” said Williams.

Battalion Chief Henry Williams

Battalion Chief Henry Williams was honored as employee of the second quarter by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.

Another firefighter reached a milestone in his service with the department and was also recognized during Monday’s meeting. Kenneth Gilliland was recognized for five years of service with the Vicksburg Fire Department and presented a service plaque by Mayor George Flaggs, Jr.

Kenneth Gilliland

Kenneth Gilliland reached a five-year milestone with the Vicksburg Fire Department and was recognized for his service during Monday’s meeting.

Gililand serves as an EMT with the Vicksburg Fire Department. Chief Danczyk stated the five-year marker is a milestone.

“I was telling [Gililand] we have a couple of us in the audience, Chief Henry Williams, 44 years of service, and I have 27 years of service, but to get there you’ve got to get five years of service. So, he reached a milestone,” stated Danczyk.

Danczyk went on to state the department is taking applications for those interested in joining their team.


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