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VFD to host training course for new personnel on aerial apparatus



VFD Ladder 3 (Photo by David Day)

Vicksburg Fire Department has scheduled a training course for VFD personnel in the operation of Aerial Apparatus Field Delivery. The course was approved during a Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting on Thursday.

Recently, two new ladder trucks have been purchased, which are referred to as “aerial apparatus” with two older ones which are still in service. The class is to certify operators for these complex vehicles.

Vicksburg Fire Chief Craig Danczyk stated numerous captains and lieutenants have been promoted along with new officers which require training on these vehicles. These aerial apparatus are the most expensive and complex among their emergency vehicles.

The training course will be provided by the Mississippi State Fire Academy (MSFA) and is to be conducted this August 23 – 27 at the Vicksburg Fire Department.

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