1905 Clay Street
606 North Poplar
1617 Sky Farm
103 Lovers Lane
1610 Sky Farm
2859 Valley Street
150 Openwood Lane
1401 Main Street
A request for advertisement from Porters Chapel Academy for the 2011-2012 Sports Program. The advertisement will cost the city $100 and is the same amount as last year. Mayor Winfield stated that the Board supports all the City’s schools and said that he looks forward to being on the sideline at a Porters Chapel football game.
With all open session business concluded, the Board began the Public Hearing for the Downtown Taxing District, which was begun in 1986 to fund the Main Street Program.
Ronnie Bounds of the Main Street Program’s Board of Directors gave a brief history of the Main Street Program and discussed the Fiscal Year 2012 budget. The budget is as follows:
- $1,400 – office supplies
- $400 – supplies and expenditures
- $3,000 – membership fees
- $400 – janitorial and cleaning
- $400 – gas & oil
- $500 – car repairs
- $2,000 – communications
- $1,500 – postage
- $1,900 – training
- $4,700 – travel
- $3,000 – advertising
- $1,950 – printing
- $850 – liability insurance
- $3,500 – utilities and waste disposal
- $7,000 – facade grants
- $960 – copier
- $700 – mileage reimbursements
- $9,500 – festivals and promotions
- $43,700 – contractor provided services
Bounds informed the public that the rebranding meeting will be held on September 15, 2011 at the Vicksburg Convention Center.
Annette Kirklin of the Southern Cultural Heritage Center and Bill Seratt of the Vicksburg Convention and Visitor’s Bureau took the opportunity to speak and both praised the work of the Main Street Program and spoke towards the necessity of the program in the downtown area’s vitality.
Ronnie Bounds stepped up and praised the work of the full-time program director, Kim Hopkins.
Public Comment concluded and the Mayor closed the public hearing and then the Board went into executive session to discuss a personnel matter in the Vicksburg Fire Department.
The next scheduled meeting of the Board is Thursday, August 25, 2011.]]]]> ]]>
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