Vicksburg Junior High sets boys basketball tryout dates

Vicksburg Junior High School has set the date for the boys basketball tryouts.
Tryouts will be held Aug. 17 through 19 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the VJHS basketball gym. Hopefuls will be evaluated by VJHS head basketball coach Jerdon Hardiman.
To make the team, players must attend all three tryout days to allow the coaching staff to get a good look at each player.
The VJHS basketball team is coming off a successful season last year under Hardiman where they advanced to the Little Six Championship with a 17-1 record.
Each participant must have the following before trying out.
- Mississippi Athletic pre-participant form
- Current physical
- Verification of residency form
- 2020-2021 Student Participation Clearance form
- Concussion form
- Proper attire (gym shorts, T-shirt, basketball shoes)
Download forms from the Vicksburg Warren School District website.
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