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Vicksburg Police Inspect, Replace Car Seats




Officer Nichelle Smith speaks with Anitra McKnight and her son Jaden.

Officer Smith went on to explain that the program will run through September 30, 2011, when the funding expires.  She says that this is the second time they have done the type of public outreach through the program and that she is planning on scheduling at least one and possibly two more events like this, depending on how the inventory of car seats holds out. “People can come to the Police Department and request an inspection at any time during regular business hours, we have technicians who are trained in this program.  We also go to area day care centers to do inspections,” said Smith. The event today saw more than 40 people show up to have their seats inspected and quite a few of those seats were replaced.

Officer Jonathan Tillman assures Jaden McKnight that he will have a much safer car seat.

Jaden McKnight watches intently as Officer Tillman does his work.

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