Vicksburg Warren School District launches needs assessment survey
Vicksburg Warren School District has launched its 2022 Comprehensive Needs Assessment survey. This survey is designed to seek opinions and ideas from parents and community members, as well as from faculty, staff, and students.
The questions assess the status of the district in areas like family and community outreach, curriculum and instruction, and school facilities and organization.
The results of the survey will be compiled into a report that also analyzes test score trends and other school success measures. The district will then use this report for strategic planning, for administering federal programs that require an annual comprehensive needs assessment, and for examining current school and district practices.
Vicksburg Warren School District would appreciate your help on this important assessment of the district. The survey is brief and will only take a few minutes to complete. It will be available until May 31.
The survey is available online, to participate click here.
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