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Vicksburg YMCA Opens Registration For Starfish Swimming Lessons



Vicksburg YMCA Pool

The Vicksburg YMCA announced the opening of registration for its Starfish Swimming Lessons, marking the third consecutive year of this nationally recognized program.

The classes are designed to develop crucial swimming and safety skills, and the curriculum sets benchmarks across various stages, focusing on the development of five core swimming competencies through age-appropriate activities.

The initial session, exclusively for beginners, begins on May 13th, with classes running Monday through Thursday for two weeks. Each class, accommodating no more than 10 students, will be 45 minutes long with available times at 5:30 PM and 6:15 PM. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, and participants will be grouped by skill level during skill assessments, which are scheduled for the same time as the class.

Following sessions will introduce classes for intermediate-level swimmers, expanding the program’s reach and providing continued learning opportunities.

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