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Vicksburg Young Professionals to host Downtown Crawl



Vicksburg Young Professionals will host its annual Downtown Crawl, Thursday, Sept.19, starting at 6 p.m. at Cocktails 101, 1408 Washington St. The event will offer attendees an opportunity to travel through downtown Vicksburg and visit select restaurants while also making connections with other young professionals in the city.

“It’s been a successful event in the past,” said Tyler McNeal, an event organizer. “We just think it’s a great event for people to come out, get together and socialize in a relaxed setting. It’s also important that we promote local restaurants. so it takes care of both of those.”

The event takes attendees on a journey throughout the city to promote the area.

“We’ll meet at different restaurant locations and hang out, network and get together,” McNeal said. “Usually the Vicksburg Young Professionals group will provide appetizers for the event at each location and the locations will offer different drink specials and things like that. We’ll spend a little bit of time at each location and just make our way through the downtown area.”

The VYP saw a need for more attention to be drawn to downtown Vicksburg and hope to do just that with this event.

From the first meetup at Cocktails 101, crawlers will head to the Mississippi Barbecue Company, 717 Grove St., and finish up at the Cottonwood Public House, 1311 Washington St.

Downtown Crawl is free for VYP members and $10 for non-members. Register by calling the Vicksburg Chamber of Commerce at 601-636-1012.

“This allows us to give young professionals a different, non typical event to go to,” McNeal said. “I’d encourage anybody that’s new to the town or just looking to branch out to take advantage of this event. It gives you a chance to meet new people and try new things.”

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