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Just Plain Fun

Vicksburg’s Pet of the Week



Photo by Tessa Elizabeth Scandizzo

This week’s Pet of the Week features a very friendly puppy named Gaia.

Gaia’s “mom,” Reanna Wallace moved to Vicksburg from Arizona with her partner, Sean Edwards back in February. Wallace was driving around when she spotted a group of puppies sitting in a yard. Wallace said, “Gaia was just so grounded. All of the puppies were being puppies and Gaia was so calm like she was keeping a watch out for the others.

Wallace said that Gaia is her first large breed dog. Gaia came into Wallace and Edward’s family’s life unexpectedly, but has already made such a huge impact. Gaia can often be found snuggled up with Wallace’s young children; she loves to cuddle.

Wallace and Gaia snuggle up! Photo used with permission by Reanna Wallace

After recently surviving being struck by a car, Wallace mentioned how grateful she is that Gaia didn’t abstain any serious injuries. Wallace’s dad had a German Shepherd named Piper who he loved very dearly. Tragically, Piper was laid to rest a year ago at the age of 17. Piper left behind a red collar that is now adorned by Gaia. Wallace and Edwards believe that the collar symbolically acts as a way for Piper to watch over Gaia and keep her protected from harm.

When Gaia was discovered, it was clear that she was perfect Pet of the Week material. While Wallace and Edwards were enjoying lunch on the patio at the Klondyke, Gaia was greeting incoming guests with nuzzles and doggy smiles. She sweetly and quietly approached people with tail wagging and a gentle demeanor. The people who met her greeted her back with smiles of their own.

Photo by Tessa Elizabeth Scandizzo

Gaia was elated to be offered a French fry and sniffed the air for any other tasty treats she could enjoy. She listened very well to her “mom” and “dad” despite being such a young pup. After climbing up in his lap for a photo, Edwards informed that Gaia typically listens best to him.

Photo by Tessa Elizabeth Scandizzo

Gaia’s life was changed the day her family found her. Now she lives a happy existence with the people who she clearly loves the most. It seems that pets always find their people in just the right timing.

Photo by Tessa Elizabeth Scandizzo

If you would like the chance to have your pet featured as Vicksburg’s Pet of the Week, please send an email to Be sure to include your name, your pet’s name, photos of your pet, some information on what makes your pet so special and of course a good contact number and/or email so we can get back to you.

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