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Video: Robert Bass retires from VWSD after 42 years



Robert Bass has retired from the Vicksburg-Warren School District’s transportation department after 42 years of service.

Bass was greeted by colleagues and friends on Friday. The community came together to show Bass how much his service meant to them and that he will be missed.

bass retirement

(Photo by Marcus James)

“I just have mixed emotions. I didn’t think I had that many people that cared for me out here,” said an emotional Bass.

Bass was not the only one full of emotions. Those he worked with know that going forward without him will be a new challenge.

“This is a very sad day for us. He knows all the routes. If you have a question, before school even starts, you can call him at 6 a.m. and he can tell you what you need to do, who’s the bus driver and he knows everything,” stated South Park Elementary Principal LaToya Allen.

(Photo by Marcus James)

When asked what plans lay ahead after retirement, a humbled Bass replied, “I am going to get some rest. Enjoy my family and my friends.”

Vicksburg Daily News wishes Robert Bass the best as he takes the first steps into the next chapter of his life. The impressions made on those he met along the way will last a lifetime.

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