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VWSD holds its monthly board meeting, approves the purchase of electric buses



school board meeting

The Vicksburg Warren School District held its monthly board meeting on Thursday. Several items were discussed, including the school district’s use of stay interviews. While most companies conduct exit interviews for employees leaving the company, the school district wants to conduct interviews with those currently employed with VWSD.

These interviews allow the superintendent to see the motivations behind employees’ desire to stay employed in the school district. Only teachers are included in the survey, but Superintendent Tori Holloway plans to interview for more positions shortly.

The most notable resolution in Thursday’s meeting is the school board’s approval to purchase 8 electric buses for the school district. VWSD was granted $3 million by the EPA Clean Bus Act to buy these buses. There was also a resolution to purchase chargers for these electric buses, which the board also approved. The school board will team with Entergy in the Electrification Project coalition. Entergy will assist the school district in installing these chargers in Vicksburg, and the projected installation cost will be $296,071.

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