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VWSD keeps mandatory mask mandate and will discuss topic again in November



VWSD meeting Oct. 28. (Via screengrab)

The Vicksburg-Warren School District will keep the mandatory mask mandate in place and bring up the discussion again in November.

The Vicksburg-Warren School District held on board meeting on Thursday where the topic of ending the mandatory mask mandate on Jan. 4, 2022 came up and ended without a second vote.

VWSD board member Bryan Pratt proposed ending the mandatory mask mandate and just having it optional on Jan. 4 but failed to receive a second vote which leaves the mandate in place until further notice. Kimble Slaton also motioned to bring up the topic at the next meeting which is Nov. 18 and received a second vote.

Some members opted to looking at Jan. 15 before ending the mask mandate to see if the number of COVID-19 cases rise or fall due to the upcoming holidays.

“What I’m saying is that our infectious doctor that we have, Dr. Edney who lives in the community… I have enough confidence that he’s not in a great hurry that much from the 4th to the 15th to make sure our kids are as safe as they can be,” Alonzo Stevens said at the meeting.

For now, the mask mandate will remain in place and will be discussed at November’s meeting.

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