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Warren County eases COVID-19 constraints for some businesses and reopens Eagle Lake boat ramp



Sunset on Eagle Lake (Photo by Darlene Davidson)

In a new resolution regarding COVID-19 restrictions, the Warren County Board of Supervisors is easing restrictions for retail stores and restaurants and will reopen the boat ramp at Eagle Lake.

In an emergency session Thursday morning, supervisors instructed board attorney Blake Teller to draft an amendment to the board’s current resolution to go into effect Thursday at 5 p.m. after being signed by board President Jeff Holland. The new resolution will remain in effect until Monday, June 1, barring major changes from the governor’s office.

Restaurants in the county can resume dine-in service limited to 50% of normal seating capacity. They must provide disposable condiments and use disposable utensils. County retail establishments are also required to limit access to 50% of allowable occupancy. All are to have no more than 10 persons in their parking areas at any one time.

Bars are to remain closed at this time, and outdoor events will be limited to no more than 20 people.

The public boat ramp at Eagle Lake will reopen but no fishing tournaments are allowed. The public restrooms at the lake will remain closed.

At two points in the resolution, the public is encouraged to wear masks. Masks will be required for people coming into county facilities including the courthouse. The current procedures will continue at the courthouse with limited access for the public and service by appointment only.

District 5 Supervisor Kelle Barfield reported that library director Katrina Stokes is developing plans for virtual use of some library materials and pick up service for the public; however, the facility will remain closed to the public at this time.

There was a discussion about county recreation facilities. District 1 Supervisor Edward Herring reported having discussions with coaches from Culkin who plan to hold practices with limited attendees.

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