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Warren County machine vote totals



With 4089 absentee ballots remaining to be counted, the machine counts are in for Warren County.

Donald J. Trump provisionally won Warren County by more than 800 votes, Kanye West received 40 votes.

Only 62 votes separate Mike Espy and Cindy Hyde-Smith with the current advantage to the incumbent.

In perhaps the only surprising number, Brian Flowers received 750 more votes than Benny Thompson in the 2nd Congressional District.

T. Kenneth Griffis and Leslie King won the State Supreme Court votes.

All the election commissioners and school board members up for reelection ran unopposed.

Medical marijuana (Initiative 65) won 3-to-1

Direct elections (Initiative 47) won by 8,400 votes

The new flag was affirmed by almost a 4-to-1 margin

Once the absentee ballots are counted the Vicksburg Daily News will present the preliminary results.

Here are the exact votes and totals as they stand now.


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