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WC freshman baseball team defeated Germantown on Wednesday



Warren Central freshman team: Photo by Keith Phillips

Warren Central High School freshman baseball team grabbed two wins over Germantown on Wednesday night.

Game one:
Justin Greer got the first hit for the Vikings in the fourth followed by a ground ball from Tristan Jamison that led to the lone run in the win.
Jamison struck out four in the win and allowed two hits with zero runs. Beau Bradley struck out three batters and allowed one hit and no runs.
Game two:
The Vikings defeated the Mavericks 3-2 in game two.
Caden Cole got a single in the first inning followed by a triple from Nathaniel Moore and Jamison to take the 2-0 lead.
The Mavericks would get on the board in the second but WC responded again in the third when Ryan Steed got a steal at home.
Landon Hasty, Jacob Kealhofer, Steed, Moore and Jamison each had a hit.
Cole struck out two batters and Steed struck out in the win.
WC will travel to Brandon on Monday.
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