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What’s going on at the Southern Cultural Heritage Center? (video)



Stacey Mahoney (Screengrab from interview with Samantha Parker)

Have you felt like your quarantine life has made the last year feel lackluster? Want to spice things up a bit?

Stacey Mahoney filled me in on all the details about the Southern Cultural Heritage Center’s upcoming events that everyone should get involved in! Watch the video to hear what Stacey and her office cats have to say. 

 Classics in the Courtyard was a fall concert series for 14 years held in the beautiful courtyard found outside the SCHC. It takes place once a week on Fridays at noon, and it brings the community together with music, food, and most importantly, culture. Now, it is making its great spring debut. 

You can attend this magical event starting next Friday, April 23 through May 14. If you are interested in lunch, you can register by calling +1 (601) 631-2997 by the Thursday before the event. See the video to find out who will be catering for the weekend you wish to attend. 


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