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Winners of Mother's Day Poetry Contest Announced





Ashley Jarrat, a second grader at St. Francis, won in her category with the following poem. Here, there, everywhere Everywhere I love my mom Right here where I belong Sad of mad, my mom is always in my heart Day and night, she’s always right Anytime, anyplace Young or old, she will always be in my heart
Luke Yocum, a third grader at Porter’s Chapel, won submitted the winning poem in his category My mom is fun She shines like the sun My mom is one of a kind She’s so beautiful, I’m almost blind She’s fun I love her a ton She’s the best mom under the sun Her hair is always curled She’s the best mom in the world!!!
Channing Curtis, a sixth grader at South Park, won with this poem. My mom is nice My mom is sweet My mom will do anything for me My mom is loving My mom is forgiving My mom is the best mom ever My mom is pretty My mom would never be sour She deserves at least one single flower!!!]]]]> ]]>

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