Yazoo River boat ramp repairs scheduled, MDWFP awaits river’s cooperation

Last year, concerns over significant erosion led to the closure of a boat ramp on the Yazoo River. Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks (MDWFP) and the Warren County Board of Supervisors made the decision to close the ramp at Old Twin Lakes located near Redwood.
After consulting with the Corps of Engineers, MDWFP has obtained clearance to proceed with necessary maintenance work on the boat ramp. The planned repairs include fixing the concrete ramp and placing additional rip-rap to reinforce the affected area. These measures will help mitigate future erosion and ensure the safety of those using the ramp.
MDWFP is currently awaiting a suitable river level to carry out the maintenance work safely and effectively. They are monitoring the river conditions closely, and the repair work has been scheduled and accounted for in their plans. The expectation is that the river will cooperate during the summer months, providing the necessary conditions to carry out the repairs.
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