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Your Daily Devotional – December 27, 2011




In this letter Paul writes concerning Christ Jesus as God’s appointed Administrator and Executor of the Kingdom Covenant, guided by Holy Spirit, Paul Declares both the Purpose and Portion of this agreement, dispensed in Grace by our Sovereign Creator. Kinsmen by birth, lay claim to their assigned Inheritance, a Spiritual endowment which awaits those Mature and Unified Sons and Daughters of Faith. Designed and Willed by God, an agreement that has been sealed with a mark which proves God records every Believer’s appointment long before they were conceived. Christ Jesus was born in the womb by God’s Spirit, and by HIS Resurrection became the First Fruit of a vast lineage of men and women who, upon fulfillment of this Kingdom Age, will rightfully partake of the Son’s Inheritance. Spiritual kinship is subject only to God’s Rule and Order, defined and designed by Divine Counsel, with One Eternal Purpose. Those born of HIS Spirit and Subject only to heaven and earth’s KING and Judge, are eligible. Paul wrote these WORDs with deep conviction, having heard them with Spiritual ‘ears’. One can only reason, that God is Faithful in HIS Promise to Sign this Covenant with the Blood of Jesus. Sealing HIS children with Holy Spirit and Delivering them as a Father would a dowry of souls, United as a Body into the hands of our Bridegroom. O’Lord, anoint my ears to hear YOUR WORD, becoming my Portion and Provision. YOUR Truth bears a Crown of Life, resting upon the Head of One who Rules a vast Kingdom. Reigning over subjects born and raised by YOUR Spirit. Set my feet upon that path of Righteousness, that will bring forth an increase, which is pleasing to YOU. Hear my Praises and Bless YOUR servant in the labor of fruitfullness, To YOU who sits on heaven’s Throne, belongs all Glory, Honor and Power, Amen    ]]]]> ]]>

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