Your Daily Devotional – January 6, 2012
The Apostle Paul looked upon possessing the KNOWLEDGE of Christ Jesus as God’s Son, Savior and LORD of mankind, to be regarded as precious and rewarding, greater even than having amassed great riches and honor. Paul speaks of the grandeur and exceeding greatness of POWER that is given from God, where both KNOWLEDGE and POWER are combined and are considered Kingdom Treasure as well.
The Gospel message was what Paul continued Proclaiming, even after he was imprisoned, persecuted severely and despised by many who had earlier accepted the TRUTH but had turned back to unrighteous living.
The WORDs of Christ tell us that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy, not only the WORKs of God, but also those who WORK on HIS behalf as Believers. The Treasure which Paul speaks of, can and many times has been stolen, because some Believers did not regard and take precautions as the earlier WORDs by Christ warned.
Forfeiture of our Kingdom Treasure must also be guarded against, for Believers also POSSESS the POWER of God, as Holy Spirit reinforces our stronghold and barrier against every assault from the enemy. Standing firm in our Knowledge that Christ Jesus conquered death, HE also defeated the darkness that the enemy uses to hide the TRUTH.
Jesus HIMself being the LIGHT as God says, it is imperative that we must beam forth that which is within our hearts, illuminating the Way for the lost to find HIM as Savior and LORD.
O’LORD, as I embrace YOUR WORD as Truth by Faith, I cling to YOUR Treasure of Knowledge and POWER.Guiding me in my journey by YOUR Light, YOUR Spirit guards my every step with Love. My heart rejoices knowing YOUR gifts are good, given to those who desire to follow only YOU. YOUR Treasure surpasses all this world offers, and YOUR Kingdom flourishes, existing Eternally. My HOPE is in YOU alone O’LORD, Let YOUR Glorious LIGHT shine through me forever… Amen
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