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Your Daily Dose of Dave – September 19, 2011




You know you’re on a budget when… Being on a budget doesn’t mean you can’t have fun and even make fun of yourself a little bit! Dave’s Facebook fans shared some obvious signs that you might be on a budget – so many, in fact, that we didn’t have room to note all of the best ones here! Check out some of the hilarious responses, and see how many you can relate with. Kristen: Your four-year-old asks, “Mommy do we have a coupon for this?” about any item she wants to buy in the grocery store! Stephen: When you’re reading this in your father-in-law’s driveway because you have to glom off of his wi-fi. Leslie: When you use a coupon for a free hamburger from Mc Donald’s and then come home and put your own piece of cheese on it! Carrie: When you find yourself saying “Dave would not want me to buy that!” and then walk away. Travis: Your kids are constantly ticked off at Dave Ramsey! Kirsten: School supplies become birthday presents. Jeff: You have all the local supermarket ads spread out on the kitchen table, and you begin to strategize your coupons like you’re about to invade Normandy. Micki: You get one leg waxed at a time. Natalie: You ask yourself, How many shifts will I have to work to pay for this? Jondelyn: You search on the internet for recipes with ingredients in your pantry. Jay: Everyone around you thinks you are crazy. Michelle: When, you’re shopping with the kids, the three-year-old asks for something and the seven-year-old tells him, “It’s not in the budget.” Will: When you notice George Washington squint at the sunlight when you pull a dollar out of your wallet. Ashlee: When your five-year-old asks, “What is a mall?” Sarah: Your kids get $5 in a card and you’re jealous. Gary: When you don’t go out and spend money on Friday night, but instead stay in and list stuff to sell on eBay. Lisa: The liquid soap in your bathroom is milk ‘n’ honey-orange-vanilla-coconut-cherry-watermelon-apple-lemon scented, because you just can’t bear to throw that little bit in the bottom of the bottle away. Lorien: When your five-year-old makes her own coupons to play store with! Kelly: When you really “get” all the posts on this thread and have laughed out loud several times reading them! How do you know when you’re on a budget? Let us know! Leave a comment below. If you need some help starting a budget or refining the one you have, we here to help you succeed. Check out the free budgeting forms available for download or try them out online right now.]]]]> ]]>

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