Mississippi couple indicted on four counts of sex crimes with pet dogs

Michael (left) and Christy Bobbitt.

Morgan Howard Darkhorse Press According to “Defense of Animals,” which operates Hope Animal Sanctuary and the Justice for Animals Campaign in Mississippi, a grand jury indicted Michael Edward Bobbitt and Christy Bobbitt on charges of bestiality, sexual assault, and aggravated animal cruelty. On Nov. 11, 2022, the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department served Michael Bobbitt with a search and […]

Animal experts offer advice on protecting pets in the cold weather

Dog asleep on blanket

The temperature outside is dropping, and the colder it gets, the more dangerous it is for outside pets. Animal experts have weighed in to help protect and possiby save the lives of dogs and cats who may not have immediate access to the indoors. Adequate housing and outdoor bedding is paramount to keeping your pet […]