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Waffle House To-Go Only Friday and Saturday Late Night



waffle house

Vicksburg area Waffle House restaurants will be to-go only on Friday and Saturday nights after 11 p.m.

In a post to social media, Waffle House division manager, Hope Baker, made the announcement citing security concerns. “I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but ultimately the decision is being made for the safety of our employees and customers.” Baker also added that security will be increased during those times.

Vicksburg has experienced a rash of crimes, a shooting spree and numerous violent events over the past few months. In an effort to reduce the perception of crime in our community, Vicksburg Police Chief Penny Jones and Mayor Flaggs announced that police radio traffic would be silenced to the public “…for officer safety.” Jones did not mention at that time any incident that led to the end of public access and there has been no noticeable change or drop in crime since the effort to silence radio traffic was made.

The population of Vicksburg continues to decline from 23,456 people in 2012, the year before Mayor Flaggs took office to right at 20,000 today, around a 17% decline in population.

8:31 p.m. – Hope Baker has asked us to include, “It is a company wide decision for any Waffle House that requires security.” Baker asked us to add this after online comments went after the city administration for their handling of crime in the community.

Baker has been asked twice to provide the other cities that are doing this based on the company wide decision, but at this time has not provided that information.


UPDATE – July 9, 11 a.m. – Mayor George Flaggs has sent a letter to the Vicksburg Daily News in response to this story. Here is the body of the communication:

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Good Morning David Day,

GEORGE FLAGGS, JR. MAYOR Pursuant to our phone conversation this morning, we can both agree that the Company Wide Decision from Waffle House to move to go only on Friday and Saturday nights was not an isolated incident for Vicksburg, MS only.

According to Waffle House Inc., this decision was made for two reasons: 1) to maintain their workforce and 2) for the preparation of their security. On behalf of the Vicksburg Police Department and the Citizens of Vicksburg there is not a safety issue at the Waffle Houses in Vicksburg, MS.

Thank you, George Flaggs, Jr. Mayor

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