Dr. Smith’s retirement parade is Thursday and you’re invited

Dr. Debbie Smith is retiring after 43 years as a pediatrician in Vicksburg and a parade is being held in her honor.
You are invited! The team at Merit Health River Region invites you to celebrate the esteemed Dr. Smith with a parade.
The hospital will also host a come-and-go reception on Thursday, December 21 at Merit Health River Region.
The parade will be at 4:00 p.m. and the come-and-go reception will be from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
The staff at Merit Health River Region invites you to come show your appreciation for Dr. Debbie Smith as she has always been there for our Vicksburg and surrounding area families for decades. “After all her years of hard work and dedication to her countless patients in this community, we are happy to help usher her into this phase of life!”
We will have a drop box for any cards, letters, drawings, pictures, signs, etc that you would like for her to have.
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