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Free expungement clinic to be held on April 1



VICKSBURG, Miss. (VDN) — The Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Project and the City of Vicksburg Municipal Court are hosting a free expungement clinic on April 1 at the Vicksburg Police Department, 820 Veto St., beginning at 10 a.m. The clinic will assist individuals in expunging their criminal records by providing legal advice and preparing court documents with the help of licensed Mississippi attorneys.

The event is open to the public, but pre-registration is strongly encouraged. Those interested should register online at to determine eligibility and schedule an appointment. Pre-registration ends March 28.

To qualify for expungement assistance, individuals must bring their abstract (municipal/justice court), sentencing order (circuit court), indictment, capias, and discharge document. MVLP emphasizes that participants will not receive services without the required paperwork.

The clinic is designed for self-represented litigants, meaning attendees will receive guidance on handling their legal matters independently.

Eligibility is limited to individuals with an income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. This equates to an annual income of $31,300 or less for an individual or $64,300 or less for a family of four, based on federal poverty guidelines.

The Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Project (MVLP) is a 501(c) (3) legal nonprofit entity that was formed as a collaboration between the Mississippi Bar Association and the Legal Services Corporation to provide free legal services to low-income residents of Mississippi, for more than thirty-five years.

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