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VHS soccer team defeated Riverside on Monday



VHS soccer

Vicksburg, Miss.-Vicksburg High School soccer team pulled off wins at home on Monday against Riverside High School. Both the boys’ and girls’ team came out victorious under Head Coach Maurice Gilliam.

VHS girls’ soccer team: Photo from Facebook

Vicksburg High Girls:
The Missy Gators blew out Riverside 11-1 to improve to 7-4 on the season. Trinity McGloster, Amari Johnson, and Kennedy Mullins all had a stellar performance in the win. Johnson, McGloster, and Mullins all scored three goals each while Leah O’Bryant and Lili Kistler both scored one goal.

Ava Pritchard finished the night with two saves.

Vicksburg High Boys:

The VHS boys’ team has fallen short of a victory all year. That all changed tonight. The Gators managed to overcome obstacles and brought home their first win as they defeated Riverside 3-2.

VHS boys’ soccer team: Photo from Facebook

“It always feels good to get that first win,” Coach Gilliam said. The score was tied 0-0 at halftime and they came back out and went shot after shot but I’m so proud of them and tonight was a good night.”

Allan Allen scored two goals in the win and Dacion Brown scored one while also earning two assists. Seven West also had an assist. Arthur Davis finished the night with eight saves.

The Gators will host Morton High School on Tuesday night. The Missy Gators will play first at 5:30 and the boys will play shortly afterwards.

VHS remaining competitors:

Morton High

Columbus High School

Warren Central High School

Neshoba Central High School

Ridgeland High School

Columbus High School

St Al Tournament-JV

Morton High

Ridgeland High School

Murrah High School

North Pike

Brookhaven High School – JV

Brookhaven High School

Forest Hill

Vicksburg High School soccer schedule
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